My Hair Saviours!

Argan oil,              Conditioner,            Shampoo,                    Hair mask.                      

Hello guys!
We all put our hair through terror throughout the week. Straightening, curling, blow drying, crimping, we bleach it, colour it all the bad stuff that puts our hair through hell and back just to look good!
My hair was feeling dry and battered after all this time so it needed some TLC to give it back some life!

For Christmas i had this hair set (in above picture) from Vitamin hair cosmetics. It consists of a shampoo and conditioner, hair mask, a 100ml bottle off argan oil and also a 30ml bottle (not in the photo)

They are all argan based products, which as more or less everyone knows argan oil is a great for your hair and skin. I've been using them since i got them, and i have seen an amazing change in my hair condition
A bit about my hair:
Naturally, my hair is very thick with tight ringlets and excess amounts off frizz! I have dyed my hair black, blonde, red and other colours, so you can imagine, my hair has seen better days! Because i have curly hair, my natural oils do not reach my ends and they become very dry, very quickly. Sometimes by the end off the day after washing they are so dry, they are straw like! (this is also down to the amount of heat i put onto my hair though!). Because off my hair type i cannot help but style my hair, either wise i look like i've been dragged though a hedge backwards, i can't tame it without making it sleek! So i am hoping these products help nourish my hair and weigh it down so the frizz doesnt take over!
 The Products:

The Shampoo is very creamy, but does not lather as much as normal shampoo's. It has to be left in for two minutes once applied, i leave it in for about five for good measure. It completely strips any oily-ness or dirty feeling from your hair, which is what you want right?!
The Conditioner is a thick creamy consistancy, feels very moisturising and soft to the touch. When applied instantly detangles and makes your hair feel nourished. Again leave it on for about five minutes and rise out.

The Vitamin Hair Mask is again thick and creamy almost like a paste, like sudacream, it is so nice to put on.  Once applied it instantly makes the fair soft, and detangled. After leaving it on for 5-10 minutes (i leave it on for as long as possible, about an hour!) and rised out, your hair feels soft and strong! It honestly feels just like silk!

The Argan Oil This is a rich oil, i place a two pence piece size amount into my palm, rub it into my hands and spread it evenly onto the ends off my hair before and after blow drying, for the finishing touch. 

My opinions
I completely recommend this brand for hair care, especially for curly, frizzy hair. It has improved my ends, they are no longer splitting and breaking off, and feel like hair not straw! Because my ends are being taken care off and now breaking, my hair has grown so much! my favourite product which i feel like has made the most impact to my hair is definitely the vitamin hair mask, after the first time i used it i noticed and incredible difference in the quality off my hair, and i was so impressed with it. I'm in love with these products and i'll keep you updated on how i feel once i've emptied the set!

Click > here < to look at their products, they have different ranges, and other products which may suit your hair type!

I hope you enjoyed this little review!
Love you 

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